Psychomotor skills
Psychomotricity is the combination of mental state (emotional and cognitive) and motor behavior; special importance is given to the movements to encourage the development of the child's psyche and the formation of the body image scheme. Starting from this, the aim is to achieve complete development, obtaining the skills for autonomy, learning and social relations.
It is based on the ability to have the most experiences with the person, with their body, the environment and the people they relate to. Everything we live, feel, do, receive and give is reflected in the organization of nature; this, bringing about the realization of the neurological maturity and motor development of people, emotionally and mentally.
This complicated process, through games, exercises and movements, working from the generality of thinking, where actions, emotions and sensations create mental schemes for us; focusing on balance and emotional maturity. That is, knowing oneself and understanding what surrounds us.
Psychomotor practice is carried out in these four principles:
1. Taking the child as the focus of learning; This is a learning nested from natural play tendencies. (In the case of some children, it is very necessary to make a direct observation, in order to receive the meaning and play of the person who is interested.
2. Globality or generality, considering the global human being (cognitive-intellectual, emotional, motor and social). Building motor, cognitive, emotional and dimensional structures that will help the child to communicate, create and think.
3. Encouraging the child's motivation and exercise as well as creativity.
4. The therapist will be a guide who will guide us towards the child's potential development, at the same time he will also play the role of a playmate, showing the ability to empathize and providing security and companionship along the way of learning.
The playroom is a special place where the child can be allowed to BE. Through his motivation, play and free actions, the child will understand himself and the world around him. This will help him realize the balance of emotions and express his inner ideas, being the protagonist of the history he created.