Child psychology
Child psychology or childhood psychotherapy brings great benefits to the problems we already have and to avoid those that may arise in the future. Children also have problems such as stress, depression and fears, which are reflected in the body (difficulty sleeping or body aches) or in behavior (crying, anger, hyperactivity, etc.).
Reasons for starting child psychology or childhood psychotherapy treatments can stem from many different issues. Depending on the problem, the work can be done directly with the child or through different professionals who treat both parents and children. The treatment consists of finding different solutions and strategies to deal with the problems that appear in the child and in his social, family and school environment.

Common problems dealt with in child psychology:
Mood disorders: Childhood depression, irritable mood, sadness and demotivation (lack of interest in activities), lack of appetite.
Anxiety disorders: separation anxiety, fear of school, tics, fears (of animals, environmental events, blood, vaccines, sounds, etc.).
Psychosomatic problems (body pains without a medical reason, agitation or slow movements).
Behavioral problems: Aggression, being very shy, anger, pessimism, disobedience.
Sleep difficulties: Nightmares, insomnia, fear of the dark.
Problems relating to other children.
Adoption: Problems adapting to the new family, guidance and follow-up.
Grief processes
Adaptations to changes (changes: new relatives, new home, new school, etc.).
Autonomy habits.
School performance problems.
For the child's work, the problem in question will be analyzed and the appropriate treatment will be carried out. In addition to the child, the treatment will take care of the parents, the school and the other professionals who see the child (pediatricians, teachers, supervisors).
The practice of childhood psychotherapy is done through play, we all have to participate in the challenge to be able to "win". It works through games, drawings, stories and paintings.
The benefits of childhood psychotherapy are mainly twofold: children internalize changes (in reasoning, perception, ability to motivate, to deal with difficult situations, etc.), and parents are shown guidelines and techniques to deal with difficult situations.
Adolescent and Adult Psychology
The psychological work done with teenagers is often necessary to deal with the situations they experience in this complicated period; since there are great biological, psychological and social changes during adolescence. The intensities of these changes are often too challenging for teenagers. In some cases, when following this path, teenagers have crises and find themselves lost, giving way to many kinds of emotional problems; most of the time the problem is detected by looking at his mood and behavior. In such cases, the help of a professional is very beneficial to receive the skills to deal with these problems and guide the teenager. It is very important to have a comprehensive intervention, where the teenager himself, his family and the school will be taken into account.

Family issues: communication problems, difficulties understanding different parenting styles, boundaries, conflicts, parental separation, neglect by one parent.
Peer-related problems.
Anxiety: panic attacks, obsessions, somatic issues (headaches without medical cause, stomach pain, etc.). Separation anxiety, speech delays, fears.
Low self-esteem, insecurity.
Shyness, being shy.
Eating disorders, self-image, and body image issues.
Sleep problems.
Sadness, depression.
Grief processes.
Bullying, cyberbullying, and school-related problems.
Sexual identity.
Vocational and career guidance.
Study techniques.
Other issues that may require clinical attention.
Common problems dealt with in adolescent and adult psychology:
Adolescence is a very important period in life, it defines the type of person we will be when we become adults, the way we think, the way we feel and the way we act in front of life. Adolescent psychology services will look for a solution to the specific problem that the teenager has and at the same time he will acquire skills for other areas of life, at a time when he will define his character. The teenager will be able to face the challenges that appear and will acquire new skills to relate to family and friends.
Adolescent psychology treatment includes adolescent psychotherapy, parent counseling, high school counseling and management with other professionals who treat the adolescent (teachers, doctors, supervisors, other members of the health care).